My experience at your service...

We must see, you have to stay there, to realize it. View! This is the essential point. This is a phrase from the great Piero Calamandrei, lawyer and main author of the Civil Code. And it is certainly essential to be able to tell you who I am but above all because I am the right person to be able to help you in preventing fraud, reducing the risks of scams, helping you not to get scammed and not falling for sentimental scams and economic scams., and in case you have fallen for it, how to deal with the situation on an emotional level. Bene, it's very simple, I saw, I have been there and I know very well the whole system that is created in the relationship between a scammer and his victim. For many years I was on the other side, I thought of the scams, STUDIED, create issued in place. I certainly don't say this as a boast nowadays, but I can make all my knowledge available to help either a person or a company not to be the victim of a scam.

Let's learn to recognize the scammer...

The scammer uses very complex techniques, sometimes he studies his victim for months (we are certainly talking about high level scams in this case), but in any case there is always a period of even brief study of the potential victim, of his behaviors, of his habits, because in reality for the scam to work you need to know about your victim's weaknesses and access points. If you know all this because you have used it for years, because you even created some methods, you are the only person authoritatively able to also counteract a possible scam. Of course I'm sure that many will perhaps find all this convoluted but, without going into the merits of the reasons why I now deal with fraud prevention, the aim is to reduce the risk of scams, to advise and educate people on how not to get scammed, I make all my knowledge available to you, my experience to do something good and logically earn money to live properly. If you are a company I can help you by giving very specific and very technical training to all commercial staff, if you are a private individual you can still learn these techniques and also receive free tips by following me on social networks.

Understand how the scammer works

Whether it is an online sales scam or a more complex sentimental scam or Nigerian comma scam, in a short time you can learn to activate those sensors that make me say stop, there is a danger here and I must not continue and once done this will become automatic. Don't believe I too have been scammed, I also got screwed by buying something that never arrived, but this happened many years ago, now they are in a sort of automatic prevention, think how nice it would be for you to arrive on a web page and find the offer of the century and then in an instant stop and see the elements that make you say no, I don't have to buy here, it's even more satisfying to think damn I would have fallen for it some time ago. Sometimes I find offers online that are clearly scams and I fall for it, but I fall for it on purpose because I want to see how far the person I have on the other side can go and they are scamming me when they are put under stress, because there is nothing worse for a scammer (this is a free little tip) than being led to leave one's comfort zone.

The scammer is not a naive person...

When this happens normally the scammer, if he's not naive, he gives up and turns his attentions to other people. There is a particular type or group of scams that I have never or wanted to do, nor help others plan them and these are romance scams, because believe it or not, even those who scam professionally have their own code. Of course, for example, when you create an e-commerce page you can't control who is buying because there you play on quantity but normally we're talking about small amounts.. Those who have been victims of these nasty sentimental scams find it much more difficult to recover than the victim of a purely economic scam because here feelings have been leveraged and recovery is much more difficult. But precisely by knowing the mechanisms used throughout the time the scam remained standing (and they are often very long times) I can help you with targeted and personalized coaching to face the post-scam situation with a little more serenity and regain the confidence in yourself and others that you have certainly lost.

If you think it might be right for you, I invite you to visit my web page in the services section and follow me on social networks to receive information and advice on how to reduce the risks of being scammed..

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