Learn to prevent fraud..
When we shop on the Internet, we accept a new friendship in social networks, or we receive a promotional message on whatsapp or via e-mail, in reality we never know exactly who we are dealing with. And also in the business world, behind each new contract, new possible customer or new sale could be hiding a scam or commercial fraud that could cost us dearly both economically and emotionally. Preventing Fraud, being able to understand in time that the person we are dealing with actually wants to scam us is the key to not paying the consequences of a scam. Fraud prevention starts with education and preparation. A company that has salespeople who are already able to recognize the signs of risk a priori, drastically reduces the possibility of being victims of commercial fraud. A private citizen who is educated and has the knowledge to recognize that he is potentially the victim of a scam can also acquire the ability to prevent the scam and make the crafty desist..
Who has been the victim of a scam, especially if the economic damage is high not only in economic terms but also in terms of disappointment, can learn how to cope with this traumatic event, how to overcome it and how to help anyone in this situation. A person with the right preparation can take a short time to realize if any family member or friend is in danger of being scammed..
With my services, I offer companies training for commercial staff on fraud prevention and management of unclear situations. In case there is a suspicion of a fraud in progress we can recognize it quickly and avoid it with an on-site support with my on-site service. I invite both private citizens and companies, entrepreneurs to visit the website and find out what I can do for them in terms of fraud prevention and fraud prevention. Visit my who I am page and find out why I am the right person to keep your company or your loved ones safe.